Seminar Reports

KICCE-OECD Seminar: Empowering Young Children in the Digital Age

KICCE-OECD Seminar: Empowering Young Children in the Digital Age


□ 환영사 및 축사 Opening Remarks & Congratulatory Address
-박상희 소장 육아정책연구소 Sang Hee Park President, KICCE 1
-안철수 국회의원 국민의힘 Cheol-Soo Ahn Member of the National Assembly, People Power Party 3

□ 발표 Presentation
1. 디지털 시대의 유아 역량 강화 Empowering Young Children in the Digital Age /Yuri Belfali Head, Early Childhood and Schools Divisions, OECD 유리 벨파리 국장, OECD 영유아 학교 부문 5
2. 한국 유아교육에서 디지털 기술 사용의 과제와 우선순위: 17개 시도교육청 사례를 중심으로 Challenges and Priorities in Using Digital Technology in ECE in Korea: From 17 Local Offices of Education/문무경 실장 육아정책연구소 국제교류・데이터정책연구실 Mugyeong Moon Director, Office of International Research and Data Analysis, KICCE 23

□ 토론 Discussion
-조운주 교수 한국교통대학교 유아교육과 Woon-Ju Cho Prof. Korea National University of Transportation 45
-최윤미 연구관 교육부 유아교육정책과 Yoon Mi Choi Senior Education Advisor, ECE Division, Ministry of Education 53
-황선이 장학사 경기도교육청 유아교육정책과 Sun Yi Hwang Supervisor, ECE Division, Gyeong-gi-do Office of Education 57
-박창현 연구위원 육아정책연구소 Chang Hyun Park Research Fellow, KICCE 61

  • PublishDate2023-08-25


Seminar Reports

2021 KICCE Online International Symposium Early Childhood Education and Care During COVID-19: Comparison Across USA, Germany and Korea

2021 KICCE Online International Symposium Early Childhood Education and Care During COVID-19: Comparison Across USA, Germany and Korea


□ Presentation
- Young Children’s Home Learning Environments and Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic in USA / Dr. Kwanghee Jung (National Institute for Early Education Research, NIEER) 1
- Corona Kita Study Design, Pandemic in Germany, and First Results / Dr. Franz Neuberger (Deutschen Jugendinstituts, DJI) 13
- Cross-National Comparison of Early Childhood education and Care Policies in Response to COVID-19 Across USA, Germany and Korea / Dr. Sook In Cho (Korea Institute of Child Care and Education, KICCE) 25

  • PublishDate2021-12-03


Seminar Reports

Launching Event for Providing Quality Early Childhood Education and Care: Results from the Starting Strong Survey 2018

Launching Event for Providing Quality Early Childhood Education and Care: Results from the Starting Strong Survey 2018


□ Hosts: Korea Institute of Child Care and Education, The Korean Society for Early childhood Teacher Education□ Presentation - Presentation 1. Providing Quality Early Childhood Education and Care: Results from the Starting Strong Survey 2018 / Yuri Belfali (Head of Division, Early Childhood and Schools, OECD) - Presentation 2. TALIS 3S Findings and Policy Implications for Korea / Eunseol Kim (TALIS 3S NPM of Korea, National Coordinator of OECD ECEC Network, KICCE)□ Panel Discuss..

  • PublishDate2019-10-25


Seminar Reports

The 3rd KICCE East Asia Policy Seminar: Status and Tasks of Child Care Policy in Japan

The 3rd KICCE East Asia Policy Seminar: Status and Tasks of Child Care Policy in Japan


□ Presentation - Presentation 1. Challenges of Childcare Policy in Japan / Soma Naoko (Professor, Yokohama National University) - Presentation 2. 현금지원과 시간지원을 중심으로 / 이연화 교수(동경 경제대학교)□ Discussion - 양난주 대구대 사회복지학과 교수 - 장영인 한라대 사회복지학과 교수

  • PublishDate2019-06-17


Seminar Reports

Paradigm Shift and Future Tasks for ECEC Policies in an Era of the Lowest Fertility(Ⅳ): Toward a Childbirth and Childcare Friendly Workplace and Society

Paradigm Shift and Future Tasks for ECEC Policies in an Era of the Lowest Fertility(Ⅳ): Toward a Childbirth and Childcare Friendly Workplace and Society


□ Hosts: Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Korea Institute of Child Care and Education□ Presentation - Presentation 1. Work-life balance in the European Union(EU의 일·가정양립 이슈 및 현황) / Mathijn Wilkens(Eurofound, Research Officer) - Presentation 2. Work-life balance policies and female labour market outcomes in Sweden(스웨덴의 일생활균형정책과 여성 노동시장 성과) / Erica Lindahl (Uppsala University, Associate Professor)  -..

  • PublishDate2018-09-12


Seminar Reports

The 1st KICCE East Asia Policy Seminar: Social Welfare Policy for Disadvantaged Young Children in China and Korea

The 1st KICCE East Asia Policy Seminar: Social Welfare Policy for Disadvantaged Young Children in China and Korea


□ Presentation 1. 中国新时代儿童福利发展/郑功成(Zheng, Gongcheng), 中国社会保障学会会长、中国人民大学教授□ Presentation 2. Social Protection of Migrant andLeft-behind Children in Qinghai and An’hui,China – Cash Transfer for Children/Yao, Jianping, North China Electric Power University

  • PublishDate2018-05-14


Seminar Reports

KICCE Policy Seminar with the Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia

KICCE Policy Seminar with the Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia


□ Presentation 1. Introduction to KICCE/Dr. Wonsoo PARK, Associate Research Fellow 9□ Presentation 2. Integration of ECEC in Korea/Dr. Namhee WOO, President of KICCE 27□ Presentation 3. Strategy to Open ECEC toward Family and Community:Case study of ‘Open Child Care Center’ Policy/Dr. Mi Kyung KWON, Director, ECEC Policy Research Office 37

  • PublishDate2016-12-06


Seminar Reports

A Global Perspective on Early Childhood Education and Care: Implication on Policy and Public Finance

A Global Perspective on Early Childhood Education and Care: Implication on Policy and Public Finance


□ Keynote Address -Ⅰ: Holon. The Children City/Hana HERTSMAN(General Manager, Holon city, Israel) -Ⅱ: Preschool Education in Israel and Its Relevance for Korean Preschools: A Korean Parent’s Perspective/Ph. D. Sejin KOH(President & CEO, KBS Symphony Orchestra, Korea; Former president, Asia United Theological University, Korea; Former president, Jerusalem University College, Jerusalem, Israel)□ Presentations   - Policies and Trends in ECEC in Japan and Arou..

  • PublishDate2016-09-29


Seminar Reports

2016 KICCE International Seminar: Singapore ECDA-KICCE Seminar

2016 KICCE International Seminar: Singapore ECDA-KICCE Seminar


□ Introduction to KICCE/Dr. Wonsoon Park(Associate Research Fellow)□ Panel Study on Korean Children & International Seminar/Dr. Eunseol Kim(Chief, Panel Study Team)□ Early Childhood Landscape and Policy Issues in Korea/Dr. Mugyeong Moon(Director, Office of International Research)□ Early Childhood Landscape in Singapore/Ms. Joanna Liew(Assistant Manager, Professional Partnerships, ECDA)

  • PublishDate2016-05-09


Seminar Reports

World Education Forum 2015: The Nuri Curriculum: Accomplishments and Prospects for ECCE in Korea

World Education Forum 2015: The Nuri Curriculum: Accomplishments and Prospects for ECCE in Korea


□ Presentation 1. Developments of and Prospects for ECCE in Republic of Korea/Mugyeong Moon (Senior Research Fellow, KICCE) 1□ Presentation 2. Analyzing the Effects of Nuri Curriculum/Jeongrim Lee (Research Fellow, KICCE) 21□ Discussion 1. Education Agenda 2030 and Early Childhood Care & Education/Maki Hayahikawa (Chief, Section of Teaching and Learning, UNESCO) 53□ Discussion 2. Some Comments on the Analysis of Effectiveness of Nuri Curriculum Implementing/Hyo-Jin Ahn (Professor, I..

  • PublishDate2015-05-18
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