Hosted the KICCE KOREA-OECD International Seminar

KICCE hosted the KOREA-OECD International Seminar themed 'Empowering Young Children in the Digital Age'. The seminar took place at the International Conference Room of Post Tower in Myeong-dong on August 25, 2023 (Tuesday). This seminar marked the launch of the final report, "Starting Strong VII: Empowering Young Children in the Digital Age", from the project 'Early Childhood Education and Care in a Digital World'. Over 30 OECD member states, including South Korea, participated in this project for two years from 2021.

Yuri Belfali, Head of Early Childhood and Schools at the OECD Paris headquarters, delivered a lecture highlighting the project's objective to maximize digital technology benefits while minimizing risks. The seminar addressed five key challenges: protecting young children against digital risks, reducing digital divides, developing early digital literacy, enhancing quality interactions with children and families, and supporting work processes and quality assurance. Moon Mugyeong, director of the Office of International Research and Data Analysis at KICCE who is also the current Vice-Chair of OECD ECEC Network, spoke about the key findings of OECD Country Note on early childhood education digital policies in South Korea and the results of analyzing the projects supporting the digital competencies of parents and early childhood teachers by 17 metropolitan and provincial offices of education. This was followed by a discussion chaired by Kim Jin Sook, Smart Education Society director and National Education Commission expert member, with the participation of Korea National University of Transportation professor Cho Woon-Ju, Ministry of Education ECE Division senior education advisor Choi Yoon Mi, Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education supervisor Hwang Sun Yi, and KICCE research fellow Park Chang Hyun.