Co-Hosting of the Fifth Social Welfare and Law Joint Forum

The Korea Institute of Child Care and Education co-hosted the fifth Social Welfare and Law Joint Forum under the theme of “Social Welfare Reform and Fusion” on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at the E-room Center in Yeouido. The Korea Institute of Child Care and Education organized the session on “the Framework Act on Children” and facilitated conversations on the necessity and importance of enacting the Framework Act on Children. President Yoon Chan-young from the Academy of Social Welfare and Law presided over this session, and Professor Cha Seon-ja from Chonnam National University Law School and Research Fellow Kim Ah-reum from the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education gave presentations. In her presentation “The Need for the Enactment of the Framework Act on Children and Key Contents,” Chonnam National University Law School’s Professor Cha Seon-ja explained the basic principles and structure of the Framework Act on Children, and the key contents of the government’s bill for the act. In the second presentation, the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education’s Research Fellow Kim Ah-reum placed emphasis on “Subsequent Amendments to the Framework Act on Children Once It Is Enacted,” and she stressed the necessity of a multifaceted legislative review to guarantee children’s rights with her suggestions of areas to reform in Child Protection Laws, issues to consider, and revised and draft bills for the protection of children’s privacy following the enactment of the act. For the discussions about the presentations, opinions were given in the order of Good Neighbors’s Team Manager Ko Wan-seok, Save the Children’s Team Manager Kang Mi-jung, and the Korea Legislation Research Institute’s Bae Gun-yee.